Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kids Nutrition

Dear Potential Business Owner:

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Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so
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Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start today WITHOUT:

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Kids' Nutrition:

Reliv Now® for Kids

The statistics are alarming: one-third of American children are obese or overweight while only a small percentage are meeting recommended dietary guidelines. Reliv Now for Kids can help your family bridge the nutritional gap. With essential vitamins, minerals and micronutrients necessary to keep growing bodies healthy, plus advanced ingredients to boost energy and mental performance, it’s much more than just another vitamin pill. Give your kids a head start on a healthy life. Ideal for children ages 2–12. Choose from two kid-pleasing flavors.


Reliv Now for Kids Works


“With Reliv Now for Kids, I can rest assured I’m doing the very best I can as a mom. My daughters have a bright future ahead of them because they’re growing up with optimal nutrition. Now for Kids is, quite simply, peace of mind.” ~ Hanna Pence, Enid, OK

Nutrition is so much more important especially for children 2-12 years old today, we are not receiving enough of nutrition from our foods today as it is as adults and its even worse for our young children during their growing years as we all know these are the years when our children are the picky eater years. Kids love to drink our children's nutrition shakes and they are very good for them, go on

read all about the children in the Philippines & Haiti which was manutritioned we made remarkable miracles with their health putting them on our reliv children's nutrition program if it did such miracles for these children imagine what it will do for your children?

Order Information:

I care about people's health n happiness

Jeffrey C. Brown Independent Reliv International Distributor...
Distributor ID 7674709601

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